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【展示】2023 2.22 wed-2.26 sun Group exhibition -現代リアリズム展- ※入場無料

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Modern Realizm




Contemporary art today is mainly abstract expressions, illustrations, and pop style arts. Even those styles are the main streams of the art industry nowadays there are still several artists who captures the real; landscapes and realism painters. This exhibition is featuring the young realism artists.

In the close future, it is said that rural landscapes and natural landscapes that have been taken for granted until now will change due to urban development. Also, people are changing with fashion, and the speed of the times itself is changing with the development of technology.

I want the people to see and feel things that can only be expressed in paintings, such as warmth and details drawn by human hands that cannot be expressed in photographs, and the new ways to see them.

/// artist ///

◇ Mico Yamamoto 山元ミコ Instagram @mico.yamamoto

油絵を専門とする独学の風景画家。 文化と伝統に重きを置き制作に励んでいる。





A self-taught landscape painter specializing in oil paintings. I devote my craft because I value and admire the culture and the traditions.

The world is changing, and modernization has an impact on both the economy and the environment.

My main goal is to emphasize the importance and beauty of nature, particularly in rural areas where the majority of our basic needs are met.

"I understand why people move to cities; it cannot be stopped. However, as we have seen, nature is encroaching on our beloved small towns, which have a rich history. Seeing this in action makes me sad, and all I can do is keep telling their stories through my painting. A vanishing landscapes if I may say."

A realist/impressionist artist who can use not only the primary colors but also an extended range of colors.

◇ 成道 可南子 Kanako Narimichi Instagram @kanako_the_painter



I capture the once-in-a-lifetime encounters that occur in everyday life and express them on canvas.

I express my art being conscious of physical phenomena so that there will be no visual incompatibile feelings.


2022年6月 gates art competition 入選作品展 フード部門(クリエイティブ賞受賞) Gates museum (online)

2022年11月 Shibuya art awards exhibition ヒルサイドテラスアネックスA棟(東京)

2022年12月 Idemitsu art award 展国立新美術館(東京)

◇ poporo(ポポロ) Instagram @popoproart_gallery




A contemporary artist who paints emotions and thoughts.

By drawing a picture of the vast amount of emotions and thoughts that are overflowing and unable to be organized, I can face the waves of my manic depression and deepen the understanding of myself .

Working mainly on abstract paintings, but also several other styles such as landscapes and portraits. The main theme of my work is thoughts about my dreams, LOVEMYSELF, and self-understanding.






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